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air studio is an architectural design firm in search of a new boundary of architecture.


We explore the various possibilities of architecture, particularly in its relationship with nature and human activities. We strive for emancipatory and poetic design that bring along with a new perception of architecture, creating a different scenery in our context.


風 建築  致力探索建築的新尺度。我們投入研究建築的不同可能性,特別關注建築與自然的融合,以及人們生活日常與建築的關係。追求富韻味且解放的設計,讓人們對建築有嶄新的認知,創造不一樣的建築風景。

Cyrus Wong is a registered architect (SBA) who received his Master of Architecture in Delft University of Technology and Bachelor Degree in Architectural Studies in University of Hong Kong. He has previously worked as architect in Kengo Kuma and Associates in Paris and Tokyo as well as the office of Christian Kerez in Zürich.



黃智峯 為荷蘭註冊建築師,分別取得 荷蘭台夫特理工大學建築學碩士 及 香港大學建築學文學士。他先後於巴黎及東京 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 及 瑞士 Christian Kerez 建築師事務所出任建築師。



Our Team has been collaborating with architects, designers and artists from all over the world. Our international network of collaboration has reached Europe, Japan, China and the States:


​Shirley Woo

Jacky Tang

Yuwen Zhang

Diego Lepoz

Adrian Yau

Ming-En Ko

Dannes Kok

Hoi Zhang

Marion Geinzer

Bianca Dorbu


Kenneth Wong

Jin Chen

Boss Chunharuckchote


Tiago Sa

© 2017 - 2021 

air studio

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